Tech Support

Specialized personnel in project implementation, answering inquiries and technical support.
Merlaud, acompany with shares in Sonelco, was selected to supply the Eiffel Towerpublic-address equipment, designed in agreement with evacuation standard EN54-16. But many other large constructionworks in Paris have been equipped with Merlaud products: Notre-Dame, Paris-Orlyairport, underground and train lines, etc. And it is present all over theworld. Merlaud has been manufacturing public-address systems since 1923 and hascarried projects in many different countries: airports such as Singaporeairport (with more than 15,000 speakers and IP public-address), and ITER (themost important project in the world in nuclear fusion), nuclear power stationsin France, Taiwan underground, oil refineries in the Middle East, and manyothers.
Specialized personnel in project implementation, answering inquiries and technical support.